Online Resilient MindGym 4-week Course

This course helps people transform their lives by creating a vision for the future and by assuming the responsibility to make it happen. 

Five years ago, I was a disabled blue badge holder in chronic pain from five broken discs and with a diagnosis of Dystonia.  In the previous years I had lost my best friend, my grandmother, my partner and both parents.  I was also, four years into the most debilitating bout of insomnia, sleeping an hour at most and absolutely worn out.  Add to the mix work related stress, unresolved childhood trauma and studying to be a secondary school teacher and you have some idea of the muddle I found myself in.  The medical professional couldn’t find the physical reasons they expected to find because the problems were rooted in stress,  After a car accident in December 2016 and the death of my mother on Christmas Day of that year, I had reached a pivotal point in my life. 

What changed?  Quite simply, I did.   The Resilient Mindgym Course has taken me five years to create and includes a blend of therapy techniques and personal experience.

The course will run for an hour a week over four weeks, during this time we will create structure to embed mental resilience.  In addition, to the session time I will provide MP3 recordings and written descriptions of all techniques used.

The cost for the four hour long Zoom sessions is £40, payable in advance.

To provide flexibility please advise whether you prefer to attend on a Tuesday or a Friday, morning or afternoon.  There will be a maximum of ten participants at each session, once you have chosen a day and time your place will be ringfenced. 

Please see course contents below.  To enrol on the course or, to join us for a free 20-minute taster session please contact me direct by email or call me on 07899806494, for a free no obligation chat.

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Mental Resilience is your greatest resource guard it wisely.

Over four, hour long, weekly, group sessions we will cover the following:

Week 1 – “Stress and the Breath” – helping you understand what stress is and the effects on our physical health.  At the end of this session you will recognise Fight or Flight symptoms and have tools to begin to calm down the response.

Week 2 – “Thought full?  Thoughts are not Facts” – if you have ever wished you could turn your mind off and stop thinking for a while this module will help you do just that.  At the end of the session, you will be much more able to challenge unhelpful ways of thinking.

Week 3 – “Can you Change it?  Accepting what is” – did you know that one of the keystones to successful therapy is acceptance?  It is a fundamental starting point from which, we move towards change.

Week 4 – “From Media to Meditation” – our ancestors had little information about what was happening in the next village, and less so across the world.  Yet we are bombarded with information 24/7; by changing our perception of external input including the media, we will become more mentally resilient.

           “Mental resilience is your greatest resource.  Guard it wisely”.


Best regards,
